Friday, June 7, 2013

Falling off the {food} wagon...

Sorry for my absence. To say that life has been challenging lately is an understatement. And to say that my diet is less than ideal is an even bigger understatement. C'est la vie. Life is life, right?

The one advantage is that once I've eaten the "bad" food, it's done. I still won't buy "junk" to keep in my house. I force myself to have to go out and get it, every single time. It is an inconvenience to eat badly, so most of the time it passes and I move on. 

I stopped by a Sonic today and got an order of tater tots. And ate them all by myself. I'm not sorry. But I did confess to a friend, "Forgive me, Veronica, for I have sinned. I partook of the forbidden food.". I felt I needed to tell someone to keep myself accountable. She laughed, of course, but I know she will steer me in the right direction tomorrow when we are at the Farmer's Market (kind of hard to eat badly at a Farmer's Market. Of course, there are those homemade doughnuts the size of one's head and the pulled pork and the bread and the "flavored" popcorn.). You should always have someone you can talk to about your food struggles and who can guide you back to the light (no pun intended). Because we all struggle sometimes-we're human. And if you restrict too heavily (I don't encourage it), the fall is much more pronounced. 

So going back to the tater tots. I know I eat well. I know I take good care of myself. So one time is not anything to beat myself up about. It is rather fodder for a good laugh-I'm so stressed that.... I will not be doing it again anytime in the near future (I am most decidedly not an all-or-nothing type of person-I think it is unsustainable.). I'm only sharing it now because I want you to give yourself the permission to fall off of the food wagon, and get right back on. It doesn't have to be a slippery slope where you slide all the way down. It can be one time and be done with it. And by the way, if you are going to cheat, cheat well. My tater tots may not seem significant to you but they are epic to me. At least until the stomach ache hits (because it is not something that jives with my detoxed body anymore and then I really don't want to eat it again. Not. Worth. It.). So don't go for a Snickers, go for a deluxe artisinal chocolate like Vosges. Make it a really enjoyable experience so you can really soak up the deliciousness, eat slowly and enjoy the whole experience, and move on. And be done. 

And get back on the wagon. Wheeeee!!

Photo via Food Navigator

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