Friday, May 17, 2013

Fit Foodie Eating Clean Meal Plan

Here is a meal plan I recommend to friends and clients. The more consistent and committed you are to following it to a "T" the better & quicker the results. Combined with resistance training, at moderate to high intensity, you will build muscle & burn even more calories at rest. The longer you follow this plan, the more benefits you will notice. Hair and skin improves, overall well-being improves, and weight stays in check with little effort-your healthy lifestyle choices will become reflexive. 

The purge:
1. Eliminate dairy
2. Eliminate all grains-whole, quinoa, etc.
3. Eliminate starches-potatoes (sweet, white, red), etc.
4. Eliminate simple sugars-HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup) especially, white sugar, refined sugar. Unless it is naturally occurring, such as in fruit, take it out. 
5. Eliminate ALL processed foods. If it comes out of a package, box, plastic wrap, bag, canister, etc. don't eat it. We are attempting to eliminate all artificial foods and chemicals. 

You will add some of these back into your diet on an occasional basis after the 21-days, but you will stick with this NUTRITION PLAN 80% of the time. We are looking for something sustainable and practical that works for YOU. It will be different for everyone, tailored to your unique lifestyle. 

Putting nutrition back in your diet:
1. Buy grass-fed, organic, free-range, non-GMO beef & lamb. It is nutrient dense, esp. in amino acids and omegas. It is also more filling without the fillers (store bought meat can be filled with a sodium-or worse-solution) that may keep weight on. 
2. Buy grain-fed, organic, free-range, non-GMO chicken & eggs (Do NOT get your eggs from a milk carton-the liquid eggs.). It is also a lot more nutrient dense and naturally more filling. It will be free of all of the nasty fillers. The taste is exceptional-you won't be able to go back. 
3. Buy only wild caught fresh fish & seafood. Avoid farm-raised, color-added, or frozen fish-it's pretty much "junk fish" - little to no nutrition & full of waste. 
4. Buy only organic vegetables and fruits. Only buy what you need for the next few days-don't get big eyes or buy in bulk because of 10 for $10 deals. Whenever possible, only buy what is in season locally.  
5. For a cooking medium buy organic EVOO, Kerry Gold butter (from grass-fed cows), and organic ghee for finishing. Also, buy a high grade sea salt and peppercorns for seasoning. 
6. Make sure you have glass containers to package-this way you don't have any leaching from plastic containers into your food. And, yes, it does make a difference. 

1. Make up your mind and make the commitment. Promise yourself that you are willing to stick with this for the next 21 days. Remind yourself it is not punishment, but a re-education (or maybe this is your first proper introduction) to nutrition. We've been brainwashed over the years by savvy marketing and "studies" and "enriched foods" and "food pyramids". Time to get back to basics and back to nature. Eat real food. 
2. Set yourself up for success. Shop every few days. Make time to prep meals every few days so that you have food gifts waiting in the fridge/pantry & you always have food on the run-no need to pick up junk food. Label your food so no one else eats it. Always carry clean food with you.
3. Get 8 hours of sleep every night. This is essential. If you are not getting enough sleep, you will not be able to lose weight or build muscle as effectively. 

Don't announce you're on a diet. If anyone asks why you're not eating or drinking something, just tell them it isn't agreeing with you right now. If you feign or hint intestinal distress, people usually leave you alone. If they press, politely let them know you don't want to bore them with the details. Leave it at that. No room for protest. By the way, you aren't on a diet. I detest diets and I consider "diet" to be a four-letter word. You are eating clean. 

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